The Prepared Actor
"A step by step guide for character, scene and audition prep."
A Few Shows Chris Has Worked On:
Class Details
PART 1 - The Information Given
As an actor it is our job to create a believable and memorable character. To do that we need to absorb as much information as we can. Knowledge is power and everything matters. The script, the character, the casting director, the producer, each detail brings you deeper into the project and helps inform your process. This art form is all about collaboration. I will show you what to look for and what steps to take to help you feel as prepared and professional as possible.
PART 2 - The Information Found
This is the part that makes or breaks the artist in you and it tests the true actor every single time. Can you absorb the given information, find where it lives inside of you and bring that piece of you into the character? Can you find all of the subtle human subtext within the tone of the dialogue? Can you read between those lines on the page and fill in the rest of it? Can you empathize with your character? In this section I will guide you through the steps to take to set yourself up for a memorable performance.