Explore the details of the audition process for these career building necessities through scene study and prep to book the job.
These bookings are the resume builders to establishing a solid career. Auditioning for each of these has a different approach.
It's no secret in Hollywood that the first way to get your 'foot in the door' for those huge Spielberg films and network shows, is building a resume with solid episodic credits.
But not everyone knows
they are actually the
roles to book!
Many Casting Directors agree the roles with 5 lines or less is where they see the most mistakes.
Do you know what they are?
Find out everything you could be doing wrong in the audition room for these tedious roles, and learn how to change it to WIN in the audition room every time!
This 3 hour intensive designed by Joey Paul Jensen will strengthen the range and depth of your overall acting skills.
cold reading,
scene work,
and personalizing material for tv/film auditions.
& much more!
All classes have improv, voice, and movement as a part of regular exercise for developing and deepening the actor’s craft.