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Casting Director & Author, Harriet Greenspan

  • Talent House Academy Adress will be sent after registration (map)

Learning to Prepare for the Audition.

What the Casting Director is Looking for!

I teach Audition Technique. Getting ready for “The Audition” is the key to getting the role! During this workshop, I will engage the actors in fun and age appropriate activities that relate to the audition.
— Harriet Greenspan

Harriet with book.JPG

Casting Director Harriet Greenspan,

Author Of “Auditionology”

We will cover every step needed, from the moment the actors get their audition material (sides) to the minute they walk into that audition.

Whether it's in an actual casting office or taping for "The Audition", I work with the young actor’s intelligence, who they are individually, exploring within, and empowering them with the tools, techniques, and discipline they need to succeed as professional actors!


*sides will be emailed a few days before class*

First Half of Class:

Through activities, I will become more familiar with the actors, their personalities, sense of humor, energy and skill. l. Then, I begin with the steps they need to prepare, including how to make clear, strong choices that they can own. We incorporate everything we've learned so far, in preparing their material and work on over all strengthening the audition. 

Second Half of Class: 

We will cover over all the ways they should prepare and feel comfortable with the scene in an audition situation both in the room with a Casting Director or for self tape situations which today is very common. 

We will focus on:

  • Character analysis within the scene, with the emphasis on how to find the funny! (Because there is funny in EVERYTHING! )

  •  How to incorporate who YOU are in the character you are playing.

  • How to memorize your lines easily

  • How your character works within the scene, the importance they bring, and what that means for the OTHER character

  • Behavior in the casting arena before you get into that casting office

  • What do you do after the audition?

Lastly, we will spend a moment at the very end of the class with the parents as well!

Answering questions and enlightening them on what we cover in the workshop.  If we do parent time after the workshop, the kids discuss what they learned. Parents play a huge part in the career of the young actor. 

August 2

2 Day Voice Over (in VO Studio) with Casting Director, Joey Paul Jensen

August 24

Casting Director Amber Horn, Intensive Class, Parents stay the first hour Age 8-22 $199